Pedigree of: Sandanona Lanche

Ch. Wonalancet's Baldy of Alyeska
Alyeska's Kobuk of Chinook
Tcheeakio of Alyeska
Alyeska's Sugrut of Chinook [AKC W478837 (2-58)]
Ipuk of Alyeska
Keo of Alyeska
Tcheeakio of Alyeska
Igloo Pak's Tok [AKC W906812 (6-60)]
Igloo Pak's Misty [AKC W894431 (8-58)]
White Water Lake Knight
Chogoandoe's Vanya
Nikki's Ningo of Alyeska
Posey's Williwah [AKC WA389092 (8-64)]
Monadnock's Kolya
Ch. Monadnock's Pando
Ch. Monadnock's Nina
Ch. Monadnock's Prince Igor CD [AKC W854935 (3-59)]
Monadnock's Nikko
Monadnock's Czarina
Monadnock's Nadya
Yeso Pac's Sandy [AKC WA37653 (12-61)
Rockmar's Atka Aletak
Ooska of Kabkol
Ch. Agra of Kabkol
Ch. Kara's Idyl [AKC W518196 (4-56)]
Cheracha's Chelo
Ch. Kara
Sandanona Lanche [AKC WA496062]
Ch. Alyeska's Suggen of Chinook
Monadnock's Kolya
Monadnock's Kira
Ch. Monadnock's Pando [AKC W609980 (10-56)]
Monadnock's Petya
Ch. Monadnock's Nina
Monadnock's Laska
Ch. Monadnock's Red Tango of Murex [AKC W788212 (2-59)]
Ch. Alyeska's Suggen of Chinook
Monadnock's NIkko
Monadnock's Kira
Monadnock's Czarina [AKC W552406 (4-56)]
Sasha of Monadnock
Monadnock's Nadya
Akiak of Anadyr
Alyeska Saska of Chinook [AKC WA436413 (8-64)]
Ch. Wonalancet's Baldy of Alyeska
Alyeska's Kobuk of Chinook
Tcheeakio of Alyeska
Alyeska's Sugrut of Chinook [AKC W478837 (2-58)]
Ipuk of Alyeska
Keo of Alyeska
Tcheeakio of Alyeska
Igloo Pak's Nenana [AKC W906814 (2-60)]
Igloo Pak's Misty [AKC W894431 (8-58)]
White Water Lake Knight
Chogoandoe's Vanya
Nikki's Ningo of Alyeska

(PURE SEPPALA dogs in this pedigree are indicated by purple-coloured type and capital letters.)

"AVALANCHE" (as he was called) was the Racing Siberian Husky sire sensation of the 1970s. From a "nick" litter bred by Anne Wing, SANDANONA LANCHE and his brothers SANDANONA TRAPPER and SANDANONA LEDACH became quite famous for awhile in eastern racing circles. But, if you look at the pedigree, you really have to wonder what kind of problems were waiting downline for those who rushed to breed their bitches to these boys. From a pedigree standpoint it looks as though all that was holding this show together was the genetics of IGLOO PAK'S TOK (he and his sister IGLOO PAK'S NENANA are the main cohesive influence in this pedigree) and the rest of it is nothing but show-dogs. Most of the New England traditions are here, but you notice they are a lot further back in the pedigree. Notice, too, how little Seppala shows up in this pedigree, only one-eighth.